Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a structured, short-term and present-focused
psychotherapeutic approach. CBT ​​is suitable and effective for treating disorders such
as anxiety disorders (e.g. social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder),
mood disorders (e.g. depression), eating disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa), obsessive
compulsive disorder, anger management, etc. According to A. Beck, father of CBT,
the way we perceive a situation affects the way we feel and behave. If we think in a
more realistic and functional way about the situation, then the negative emotions will

be reduced and the way we behave and operate, changes as well. Through cognitive
and behavioral techniques, the person learns and acquires a more realistic and
functional way of thinking and behaving to deal with present and future situations.
Finally, therapist and client work collaboratively to achieve the goals, that are set in
therapy. The sessions take place on a weekly basis and last 50 minutes.

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